
7 Good Tips For Perfect Winter Roof Maintenance

7 tips for roof maintenance when winter is coming 

7 Good Tips For Perfect Winter Roof Maintenance

7 Good Tips For Perfect Winter Roof Maintenance
7 Good Tips For Perfect Winter Roof Maintenance


Because of the upcoming cold weather, you may want to spend more time indoors throughout the winter.

Is the roof of your cozy home ready?

Here are 7 Good Tips For Perfect Roof Maintenance When Winter Is Coming


These days, a residential roof, whether it is a shingle roof, metal roof, flat roof, or tile roof can withstand almost any type of storm.  

However, over time, roofs degrade from the weather and other forms of wear and tear, which can create hidden damage that goes undetected until it’s too late. 

It is important to perform some winter roof maintenance before winter arrives so that you can keep it in good shape and prevent having to make any expensive repairs in the middle of the season. Doing these things while the weather is nice can prevent future headaches. 

To keep your roof in great condition over the course of the winter, we’ve compiled a list of 7 tips for roof  Winter Roof Maintenance. 


1. Be sure to inspect the roof 

Having a roof inspection scheduled is a must when prepping for the winter months.  

The inspection of your roof will include checking the shingles and flashing, as well as looking at the gutters and any roof vents to make sure they are working properly.  

The inspection will tell you if your roof is in good form for those harsh winter elements. If you aren’t able to do this yourself, the team at Eco Roofing will be happy to check it out and advise what is needed to keep your roof in tip-top shape. 


2. Repair any leaks 

To what extent are you experiencing roof and/or attic leaks? Have you seen any broken or missing shingles? 

Locate the leak and get it repaired soonest. Check to see if there are any missing or damaged shingles on the roof.  

If your house isn’t properly insulated, rain and moisture might enter, your hot air could escape and internal damage can occur. 


3.Check the flashing and fix them if needed 

One aspect of getting your home ready for winter is examining the flashing. All flashings eventually loosen and warp over time. 

Do not put off fixing the flashing until after a storm has passed. The inside will leak if condensation accumulates in excess. 

Your shingles operate on the same principle. Replace any that are peeling or chipping right away. When they are not properly fastened, condensation can form and leak into your ceiling. 


4. Don’t forget your gutters and drains 

Before the rainy season, leaves from the fall should be removed from the gutters to ensure that water can properly drain from the roof and away from the home.  

Clogged gutters are a common cause of roof damage during the winter months. If your gutters are blocked with debris, especially leaves from autumn trees, this can cause rotting and mildew, which can have a detrimental effect to parts of your roof.  

The debris will create pools of water on the roof and if the weather becomes cold enough, the water will freeze, adding an unsafe layer of weight to your roof, creating havoc.  


5. Trim the trees and remove debris 

Branches falling on your roof due to the harsh weather during the winter months might cause significant and expensive damage. 

Remove any branches from trees that might blow and fall onto your roof during a storm. 

You might also cut down any unstable trees that are leaning dangerously close to your house.  

Clearing branches off steady trees near your house is also a great idea. As the branches of those trees rub against your roof, they might cause the shingles to wear down faster than they should. 

If you don’t cut away leaning branches, the leaves and branches will create debris. And if it isn’t cleared before a storm strikes, the rain will have less surface area to soak into. Debris on a roof might cause leaks since it will become wet and decay. 

In the fall and winter, use a sweep or a rake to clean any debris off your roof. It will be well worth your time to go the additional mile for this. 


6. Your attic is important too for Winter Roof Maintenance

It may not be obvious to everybody, but a roof’s efficiency is strongly tied to how well the attic functions. Winter weather might leak through the roof if the attic isn’t properly insulated and aired. 

To make sure your attic is properly insulated and ventilated, check it out. Keeping the airflow steady is essential for keeping the roof in good condition. 


 7. Taking precautions against wind damage  

If a severe winter storm is approaching or has already passed through your area, it is important to examine your roof. Don’t assume everything is OK without being 100% sure. 

You should search for missing or damaged shingles when doing this check. If you find damage and don’t fix it right away, one of two things may happen. 

Most immediately, you’ll notice that water is leaking into your home through your roof. The second issue is the potential for the damaged area to become infested with mold, mildew, and bacteria. 

It’s important to fix wind damage as soon as possible to avoid skyrocketing roof repair expenses. 


Keeping up with Winter Roof Maintenance before and over the winter is a must.  

Being proactive is your best bet. Inspecting the roof should begin months before temperatures drop. Even if you didn’t get a chance to examine your roof before winter, keeping vigilant can help you avoid costly repairs. 

If, after conducting a thorough roof inspection, you discover certain parts in need of repair, or if you are of the opinion that you should replace your roof before the winter storms roll in, please contact us, at Eco Roofing, so that we may provide you with the best possible options available to you for your Winter Roof Maintenance.




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