
Composition Shingles

Composition Shingle Roofing: Affordable Value

Residential Composition shingle roofs from ECO Roofing give long-term value, durability, and appeal to your Los Angeles property. Choose us as your go-to shingle roofing contractors in CA for a job well done that will last the test of time, especially when faced with the harsh Los Angeles sun. Composition shingles are the most common roofing material in the United States. This is because they are inexpensive, simple to install and maintain, and provide long-lasting security for your property. Composition roofing can last for 20 years or more, safeguarding your home’s structure from the elements and time while also saving you money on your roof!

Advantages of Composition or Asphalt Shingle Roofs

There are many advantages to selecting residential composition shingles roofing in CA:

Attractive and functional
There are a variety of styles and colors to choose from.
Many obtain a class IV hail rating, which is the maximum possible!
Repairs and maintenance are simple.
Asphalt shingles come in below types:
Fiberglass shingles are made up of an asphalt-coated glass fiber reinforcement mat that is cut to the shape of the shingle. Organic shingles are made of a waterproof organic felt material with an adhesive asphalt topcoat and imbedded ceramic granules. These have 40 percent more asphalt per square (100 sq. ft.) than fibreglass, making them heavier and less likely to blow off in heavy winds. Laminate shingles, which are made up of numerous staggered layers of materials, provide enhanced durability.
Composition Shingles Roofing (5)

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(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)