
Tile Roof

Choose Tile Roofing for its Beauty and Durability

Allow ECO Roofing to install high-quality, elegant tile roofing that provides long-term value, unparalleled aesthetics, and long-term durability. We have a lot of expertise installing this unique style of roofing, which has been known to outlast a lot of other roofing materials. Tile roofs are built to last and have a natural water shedding and ventilation function that makes them excellent for hot weather. The roof tiles we install come in a variety of colors, styles, and sizes to suit almost any style, including real Spanish and Mediterranean and even New England Colonial. Flat or round wood shakes, as well as replicated wood shakes, are available in a variety of textures and tones. Please contact us for assistance in determining which option is best for your home’s style and budget.

Benefits of Tile Roof

Beauty that lasts
Lightweight: Don't worry, most modern homes can easily sustain the weight of a tile roof!
Repairs are easier than with other roofing materials.
Economical: Clay and concrete tile roofs are one of the most cost-effective options because they can last 50 to 100 years or more; several manufacturers provide warranties ranging from 50 years to the roof's lifetime.
Minimal upkeep: A tile roof requires very minimal upkeep to keep it looking attractive and operating well.
In the end, tile roofing is suitable for almost any kind of home and may be used to accent any property. Tile roofs have been the choice of wise homeowners for over 1,000 years for a reason! Allow ECO Roofing to assist you in making the wise decision of placing a tile roof on your property.
Tile Roofing

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)