
About us

About us

Quality Roofing Service You Can Count On

ECO Roofing was founded on the principle of offering unparalleled expertise and honesty to consumers throughout California. We are your go-to local contractors, designers, and re-modelers when it comes to residential roofing. Despite the fact that we wear several hats, we always conduct business with integrity, keeping you informed and updated at all times.
ECO Roofing was founded on the principle of offering unparalleled expertise and honesty to consumers throughout California. We are your go-to local contractors, designers, and re-modelers when it comes to residential roofing. Despite the fact that we wear several hats, we always conduct business with integrity, keeping you informed and updated at all times.
Call to ask any question 866 626 2005

Roofing Expert in Los Angeles

Hard Work | Integrity | Respect

Why Choose ECO Roofing?

ECO Roofing was founded on the principle of offering unparalleled expertise and honesty to consumers throughout California. We are your go-to local contractors, designers, and re-modelers when it comes to residential roofing. Despite the fact that we wear several hats, we always conduct business with integrity, keeping you informed and updated at all times.
ECO Roofing is a full-service commercial and residential roofing contractor that serves the whole state of California. We focus on providing our customers with accurate information about their property, roof difficulties, and the best solutions for their specific problem. On every task we do, our team focuses on providing the greatest level of service and a significant return on investment for the customer. Our roofing experts want to improve the safety, functionality, and beauty of your house with a roof that will stand the test of time, from great workmanship to superior materials. It is our responsibility to keep you informed as a customer so that you feel involved throughout the entire process.
Like What We Offer


From modest repairs to comprehensive residential re-roofs to massive commercial installations, ECO Roofing can do it all. We also assist you in resolving storm damage claims with your insurance company.

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(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)